
Financial Transparency

K9s For Warriors (K9FW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. CFC #82286

The best way we can show gratitude for your donation is to use it as you intended. We run our programs the right way, never losing sight of our mission to save the lives of Veterans and rescue dogs.

K9s For Warriors is the highest rated Veteran Service Dog organization in the nation.


K9s For Warriors has been recognized by leading charity auditors for our integrity and financial responsibility. Please review our documentation below to see why.

Financial Archive

Adoptable Dog Waitlist

Thank you for your interest in adopting one of our dogs. We hope that your perfect fit becomes available soon! Please fill out the application below – and our Adoption Team will add you to our waitlist. 

K9s For Warriors Logo

Station Dog Information Request

If you would like to inquire about the K9s For Warriors Station Dog Program, please share with us the following information:

Agency Point of Contact

General Questions

Handler Information

Contact Information

Contact Information